Click the Donate button below. This method triggers processing fees of about 3%, so if you are able, throwing in a few extra dollars will help us see the full intended amount of your donation. So donate $52 for $50, $103 for $100, $258 for $250, $515 for $500, $1030 for $1,000, etc. Include your name and address so that we know who you are and where to send our thank yous.
Membership Form
If you are renewing or signing up for membership, fill out an online membership form here. If you would rather send in a check, complete and mail (or drop off) the paper membership form here.
Cash or Check
In person, you can donate during the incense offering during service. You may also leave a donation with any temple administrator. Mail donations to:
The Buddhist Temple of Chicago
1151 W. Leland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640
The Buddhist Temple of Chicago is recognized and operates under the Internal Revenue Code Non-Profit Section 501(c)(3) organization status, and operates strictly for that purpose, therefore, your donations are tax-deductible. Our mailing address is 1151 W. Leland Ave, Chicago, IL 60640. Our phone number is (773) 334-4661. Please consult with your tax advisor if you have other questions.